Thursday 30 October 2014

Understanding the Caliphate

Can IS only be beaten into submission by Boots on Ground

There seems to be a lot which is difficult to understand, about the problems this so-called IS Caliphate seeks to impose on its followers. If indeed what is published in the papers is a true reflection. It's difficult to imagine why any right thinking person would want to belong.  though it appears from what I've read that once you sign up after presumably being radicalised, The only way out is in a Bodybag. So knowing that why would you do it?

  I'm not sure if they lure men to sign up in anticipation of co-habiting with the 72 virgins. But if this is true and it happens.  I think the pace of it would finish you off in no time at all, unless at the same time you are vested with exceptional powers. So what exactly would be the point of this?

  Is there anyone out there who can explain exactly what it is all about in words of one syllable. I'd like to try to understand what motivates the people behind it. So is it just one person or is there a committee of some description? I'm unsure if they wish you to believe it is Allah Akbar.

  Now in respect of what President Obama is trying to do, in harness with Dave, assuming the article I defer to is accurate and I've no reason to dispute this. They are using IS opponents to supply the manpower, fixing them up with  whatever they need in the way of arms and supplies and lending them an Air Force, which their opponents do not have. So if every conflict of modern times is predicated to succeed, on the back of air-power. They will create a formidable response  to roll back the frontiers of something which is extremely difficult to understand, in this modern world.

  Seems to me like we're intent on going back to the days of our forefathers 11/13 Century, when Crusades were in vogue. The Caliph tossed a cushion in the air and without moving his Scimitar allowed the cushion to fall by its own weight onto the blade where it fell to the ground in 2 separate pieces.  Am I right or wrong?  Please advise.

Watch this space, I'll be back.

Friday 19 September 2014

The Aftermath for Scots and the EU

The Horse-Trading begins and how it might affect our EU MEPS
There can be no doubt about it the Anglo-Saxon English Parliament gave Federalism to the World and now it’s payback time. But they ain’t seen nothing yet and they ain’t going to like it. These MPs in their Ivory Towers in the respective parliaments who think they are ‘God Almighty’. They will now be called to account for disparities in our UK Federal Superstate, run by the British Parliamentary system they have allowed to develop.

Mainly it concerns the bloc vote of  Labour MPs that emanate from North of the Border, distorting the balance of probabilities both in the Mother of all Parliaments and the electoral system that governs us. So what’s to be done about it?  For years the cry from Europe has been for subsidiarity. So now  we now have individual parliaments i.e. Stormont, the Welsh Assembly and the Scottish Parliament,  subsidiarity should reign supreme, where matters come to the vote that concern these individual nation parliaments. This has to happen because other than England, none of these separate and distinct cultures, have the economic might to exist alone without Social Transfers. i.e. The distribution of funds from the Treasury in Whitehall.
So the Office of Budgetary Responsibility  (OBR) should be given a clear mandate in respect of equality and fairness and a liability to oversee the distribution, with appropriate checks and balances. Where Westminster can rule on where and how any individual parliament, may think it is being discriminated against. It should therefore be relatively easy for all these disparate interests to be accommodated, in this modern world of the 21st century - going forward. So we can all live in peace and harmony, in these Sceptred Isles - all 6,269 of them

The main problem for the party now predominate in Scotland however, has been the eternal cry that it is our oil. So continual whingeing in this respect, has conferred on Scots the mantle of (eternal whingeing Jocks). Though in fairness it should be said this mantle is to a great extent assisted by the propensity for outfits that prepare TV adverts, to use the Scottish accent,  to indicate ways that various products can conserve your hard-earned brass.

 This has created a misnomer and results in Scots taking umbrage at aspersions of whingeing, to the extent that their sensibilities espouse.personal insults. So its time for them to grow-up and taste the coffee, now they have suffered an enormous setback to their psyche, from which they might never recover.
Nuf sed! But I’ll be back.
Tom Stack the Author.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Can Mr Farage & UKIP ever be anything more than a Carnival Act

By tomtom

A one man Band on a One Trick Pony


Maybe Mr Farage and the UKIP he ramrods, will top the EU poll come May 22nd. But can he lead a real political party of the people to challenge the status quo? The outfit certainly appears to getting up a head of steam, but whether this can translate into a real political party, remains to be seen. The first priority is to attract the funding necessary to be a real threat, if you aspire to be taken seriously. So it could be Mr Farage has upset a few too many along the way, for this to happen on the necessary scale, for he is on the basis of available evidence – a rather vacuous entity.
But he has a practised script, and a  way of telling people what they think they want to hear, of that there can be no question. Nor is there any doubt that emotions have run high along the way and maybe his vision of the future has never been clearly established to the extent it needs to be, if he is to attract the talent to make things happen. In addition there appears to have been a lot of jiggery-pokey going-on, that leaves many disgruntled former associates in his wake.
Primarily questions have arisen in respect of setting up Call Centres and what has happened to the funds that were generated. It is well known that chartered accountants set-on along the way as party treasurers were soon dumped if they asked questions about the accounting aspect of funds raised in these Call Centres. Indeed on one occasion a Call Centre was closed down within a few weeks of opening, in response to queries about their legality – by a Party Treasurer.
There are also questions in respect of the way the Party constitution was rigged in respect of Mr Farage’s bid for the leadership and the fact that the only way he could be sure of achieving this was to be elected to the post by a minority of the members. So how did he go about creating this situation, you may well ask?
It was achieved by changing the voting system for party leader from Single Transferable Vote to First Past the Post. The system where the best man for the job was selected by whittling the contenders down to two candidates was ditched for a system where Mr Farage knew the vote against him would be split and allow him to slip in on the blindside. This was exactly what happened and for UKIP per-se an opportunity was lost.
Mr Farage had built his reputation for leadership on the back of speeches he made at respective Party Conferences around the turn of the century. There can be little doubt of his ability to tell the unwashed masses what they want to hear. It is based on little more than a repetitive rhetoric, about Brussels/Strasbourg interference in domestic affairs, as they prepare the legislative jungle necessary for the administration of a Federal Superstate.
But knocking this aspect in a lot of ways is a hollowed-out perspective that appeals in general to the masses as they see matters incorporated into English Common Law that have no place in the way we Anglo-Saxons go about out daily business. Nevertheless this pernicious interference has brought salutary warnings down the ages from profound and esteemed Statesmen from Lord Palmerston to modern day politicians of repute who have predicted what had to happen to our national identity on the journey to a Federal Superstate.
This is what they had to say:-
Lord Palmerston:- 1784 -1865 who said:-  “Only three men in Europe understand the Schleswig Holstein question, (aka -  West Lothian question) and of these,  Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s Consort is dead, a Danish Statesman unnamed is in an asylum ‘and I myself”‘ confessed Lord Palmerston, “have forgotten.”
Jean Monnet:- 1888 – 1979 who said:-  “All Europe’s nations should be guided towards a super-state, without people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.”
Mr Peter Thorneycroft MP:- 1909 – 1994 who said:- “No government dependent upon a democratic vote could possibly agree in advance to the sacrifices an adequate European Plan must involve. The people must be led slowly and unconsciously, into the abandonment of their traditional economic defences, ‘not asked,” he insisted, “for it involves changes, which they may not at first be capable of recognising the advantages of - themselves.”
 Mr Tom Stack the Author 1936 – Present  who said :- After hours of spurious argument in Parliament, as to why a referendum was not to be and a resounding vote rejecting the right of the people to be heard; by 483 to 111. It now befalls me to point out that the politicians are even more completely out of step with democracy, than the public at large could ever have imagined.
With a three party whip ranged against the motion, the outcome was always going to be what the politicians had decided. It is quite clear they have little regard for what the people have to say on the matter of EU interference in our internal affairs.
Can we really afford to wait for them to re-negotiate the terms of our involvement?   Can we really believe there will be a better time to listen to what the people wish to say on the matter as prescribed by most who spoke against the motion before the house? At the rate of £25mn per day till they decide it is impossible to continue or the whole ridiculous charade implodes.
Can we really believe that those who voted to deny the people the opportunity to express their angst understood the depth of feeling at large in the general population? Or indeed ever understood themselves, what they had been forced into imposing, as they wriggled and squirmed trying to explain, things they never fully understood themselves, in respect of the actual proposition before them.
Yes we realise that the politicians can and do have one eye on their own position in respect of advancement through the party ranks, to office of one kind or another. But to deny the prospect of expression to the public by refusing to grant a referendum on the EU was both mean spirited and short-sighted.
No doubt candidates at the next general election whenever it comes will use this as an opportunity to challenge opponents on their record of anti-democracy voting on the back of the ePetition legislation. And to determine if there was ever any purpose in introducing it, other than to use it put the electorate in their place, as voting fodder with no real voice.
Watch this space I’ll be back!

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Kirstie Allsopp criticises 'failing' comprehensive schools

Far be it from me to say I told you so

The abolition of grammar schools in most parts of the country has stopped thousands of children “getting on” in life, according to Kirstie Allsopp.  Telegraph 16th July 2013.

A message I have been peddling ever since becoming involved in political activity and blogging. For there can be little doubt that the level of political interference in the 11+ Grammar School/Technical College system is at the root of educational problems that have manifested themselves in recent decades.

What does it take to convince the political numbskulls who set about disbanding this system, together with apprenticeships, in favour of comprehensives, to realise how they have dis-advantaged generations of children. By developing this underclass of unemployable teenagers, we see in evidence today.

We should without fear or favour set about re-introducing Grammar Schools, rather than try to raise expectations beyond levels of ability in the way we do now with fee-paying universities. If a young person setting out in life post education wants to get-on enough, they will find a way.

So maybe further education by the system of City and Guilds and Night School which existed in my day and throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s  is superior to anything we have trted to replace it with in the name of political expediency.

It's time the pendulum swung back.
Watch this space I’ll be back

Tuesday 18 June 2013

They’re at it again

By tomtom

The Europhile Kids - Now it’s the Dave ‘n’ Ken Show
How much longer do we have to put up with these plonkers telling us we need to be in the EU to have influence on the world stage. They are so wrong!  Nafta, Efta, they're made up of individual countries, coming together to trade, Yes?

  So when Rt. Hon. MP Clarke claims we wouldn't be talking about free trade with the USA and Canada were it not for the EU, he is as usual spouting rubbish in support of his Europhile views.  Seems he's had a head to head with Dave who thinks he will be an influence on the world stage only via the EU.

  But we were a member of Efta long before PM Heath conned a generation into voting for membership of the Europen Economic Community Don't they understand why we call this country Great Britain. We can stand on our own feet make our own laws grow our own food and trade the world on our own terms.

  We have no need of Europe and these idiot Eurocrats trying to drag us down to their level. But so long as leading politicians espouse the views of this pair of plonkers, we'll be saddled with all this EU red tape and we've had enough of it.

 Watch this space, I'll be back!


Friday 14 June 2013

Will Dave ever really Geddit?

Methinks not

By sweeping away bureaucracy we’ll help trade to flow freely across the world, adding money to economies globally, supporting business and creating jobs. That will make everyone better off, including the world’s poorest people who need the most help – reads the latest missive from Dave’s desk in10 Downing St.
  Good idea Dave, so how about sweeping away the bureaucracy that is plaguing every waking hour of our daily grind from the unelected elite. The Eurocrats who think we would be good Europeans if only we’d bow and scrape to every nuance of this elite band of EU Busybodies, who deign to control us in autonomy. Sweep some of that away and we might begin to believe you are running this small island and not just trumpeting your ideas on the world stage, as you constantly remind us.
  No one in this country would turn their back on the poorest in the world but charity begins at home. Though with a silver spoon in your mouth and the advantage of a public school education you probably have no idea what it’s like in our street.
  By any measure Dave if you carry on the same way for the next couple of years as you have for the past three. You’ll be a dead duck as far as winning the next election goes. Not a prayer can help you nor will  proclaiming your credentials on a world stage, for never has a PM been so out of touch with mainstream sentiment, in respect of how Joe Sixpack thinks when it comes to Europe and what is happening here good old Blighty.
  The Brits are up to the back teeth with European dogma and it gets worse by the day. Even the founding fathers at one time or another admitted the people had to be led blindfold by the hand, for they’d never understand the merit of being a good European. From what I’ve seen of your tenure of the highest office in the land since you took over, you are firmly in that camp too.

  Maybe we don’t understand the merits, but we certainly understand the demerits. They’re writ large in 6ft letters across the entrance to the Eurotunnel: (Abandon hope all ye who enter here).

Watch this space, I’ll be back!


Sunday 2 June 2013

Is a New Glass/Steagall act the Answer?

Liam Halligan reckons it is and we all know who abandoned it don't we Mr Clinton.

Dear Mr Halligan,

For all your banging on about the re-introduction of the Glass/Steagall Act. It does not not need a high flying economist to see what the abandonment of this legislation did to the world of high and low finance. since '86. Though what followed probably had more to do with the oil shock of '73 when 3gallons of petrol cost £1.00 and £2.00 took me all the way to Commercial Street and back - 260 miles, to replenish the stock for my Shirt Stall on our Open Market. 

That Glass/Steagall needs to be re-introduced is staring everybody in the face. But the world at large seems to be stunned by the audacity of these intrepid souls the Fractional Reserve Bankers. These people with nothing more in mind, than to fill their boots and clip-clop off into the sunset. We have no need of these bandits to secure our financial future. All it has done is jack up the price of every friggin' commodity known to man.

While back in the 1960s, setting out to make a mark in the world on the princely wage of £13-7s-6d/week, I can state categorically that I live little differently today. The only accoutrements now that were not even invented then, were a microwave oven, a computer and a colour TV.

The average mortgage then was around £2,500 repayable at around £13.00/month. While the average weekly wage is a now a stratospheric £463 including bonuses and the simple question is: Exactly who is any better off for it? Is an increment of £450/week over 50years the price of developing these 3 items?

In addition to which, we even had a pension system that was working, before the politicians who didn’t have a clue started grabbing chunks of it to cling on to power and we suffered 13 years of the disastrous Blair/Brown Tragedy of Errors. So the real question here is who is conning us now? Is it the politicians or the bankers or are they in cahoots to make sure it sticks?

Answers on the back of  a 10/- shilling first class stamp. 

Best regards
